8 research outputs found

    Strategi Gamifikasi Sebagai Peningkatan Motivasi Kuliah Pemrograman Website Pada Masa Pandemi Covid19

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    Pandemi Covid-19 masih menjadi wabah yang membahayakan manusia sehingga menjadi tantangan khusus dan menuntut adanya perubahan pada berbagai bidang masyarakat. Pendidikan menjadi salah satu bidang yang terdampak oleh pandemi ini. Aktivitas belajar mengajar harus dilakukan secara daring yang mengakibatkan kualitas belajar mengajar menjadi tidak maksimal. Perkuliahan daring sudah dilakukan lebih dari satu tahun. Model kuliah ini ternyata telah menurunkan motivasi belajar mahasiswa karena dianggap menjenuhkan sehingga dibutuhkan inovasi pembelajaran dari para Dosen. Gamifikasi menjadi salah satu solusi yang sudah beberapa kali digunakan dan merupakan suatu teknik yang dapat membuat mahasiswa berperan aktif selama perkuliahan serta merasa menikmati setiap tugas perkuliahan yang diberikan. Kami melakukan perancangan dan implementasi gamifikasi untuk matakuliah pemrograman website dengan platform classcraft. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya kenaikan motivasi mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan. Hal ini dilihat dari beberapa indikator yaitu tepat waktu dalam masuk kuliah naik dengan persentase 16.67%, minat diskusi dengan dosen naik 40%, ketepatan pengumpulan tugas naik 39,39%, kemampuan menyelesaikan projek UTS naik 28,57% dan kemampuan menyelesaikan projek UAS naik sebesar 34,21%

    Face Shape-Based Physiognomy in LinkedIn Profiles with Cascade Classifier and K-Means Clustering

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    The progress of a company is influenced by the excellent performance of its employee. The recruitment process should be done in a correct procedure so that it would not have the potential to harm the company. The improved use of social media can be an aspect to be applied in a recruitment process. LinkedIn is a social media platform that has many users which focuses on the career development aspect. Profile photos are commonly used in social media. In physiognomy, a personality analysis can be carried out based on his/her outward appearance. The profile photo can be an aspect of personality analysis with this knowledge. This research aimed to predict the face shape based on LinkedIn profile photos. A Cascade classifier algorithm with a haar-like feature was used to detect the face area. Dlib library was used to detect face landmarks. K-Means algorithm was used to differentiate the border of hair and facial skin. Indicators of the face shape calculation are the value of face angle, which is the arctangent of the face landmarks matrix; similarity value from the standard deviation calculation between horizontal line 1, 2, and 3; and diameter value which resulted from the standard deviation calculation between horizontal line 2 and vertical line 4. We provide output as face shape from the LinkedIn profile photos. Based on ten profile photo samples, only two predictions were incorrect

    Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di SDN Tangerang 5

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    Educators as teachers create conditions for students to face the learning cycle. Learning is an approach to changing behavior caused by external stimuli. Learn to remember different segments for it, for example, the physical and mental state of the learner. This assessment is intended to determine the use of informative media in facilitating effective learning in the class of SD N Tangerang 5. This kind of assessment is an expressive abstract investigation. The research area is elementary school, the test subjects are the principal, the second commander, and the third grade educator. The results of the exploration of the use of learning media in effective structured learning in class III SD N Tangerang 5 if what has been prepared is an interesting learning media, can work together and eliminate learning ideas, increase student motivation, support student-dependent single achievement, and can be utilized as a direct message. Utilization and capacity of learning media to clarify the presentation of messages with the intention of not being too verbalistic, overcoming the constraints of space, time and staff. Many segments of supporting learning media have been provided by schools and students. With the learning media students are very enthusiastic in learning, with the media making students more confident to master the idea that students are bad at learning

    Learning Culture in Islamic Boarding Schools: The Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    This research was intended to test the instrument’s validity with data using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using SPSS 23.0 to determine the structure and explore the factors in the indicator Learning Culture Variable. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) First Order was carried out to verify the factorial validity of the Learning Culture construct and to determine the nature of Learning Culture in the context of Islamic Boarding Schools in Jambi City. By using random sampling, a total of 162 samples were taken to test the quality of the instrument from 534 main respondents, namely teachers at Islamic boarding schools in Jambi City who were involved in the main research. This quantitative study used a cross-sectional survey design to analyze the factor structure of the Learning Culture variable. Quantitative data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using SPSS 23 and AMOS 18. The findings of this study are that EFA produces a similar structure from previous studies and this study. The CFA approach verified that the Learning Culture Variable questionnaire was satisfactory for Islamic boarding school teachers in Jambi City, Indonesia. This study explains that establishing validity is an important step for developing a scientific scale for measuring the questionnaire. The construct validity has substantially increased over time and through many previous studies. This scale requires further adjustments to increase the reliability and the ability to explain differences associated with constructs measured in different contexts, cultures and conditions


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    During the drying process, there was a movement occurred of the heat and mass simultaneously, and so to know the heat transfer and mass coefficient it is necessary to analyze the convection of heat transfer and the rate of decline water levels at the same time. The basic ingredients of this research was coconut sap crystal or palm sugar. The purpose of this research was to analyze the process of heat and mass transfer simultaneously with Dryer cabinet by using the Runge Kutta method. The Drying material process was made with 3 variations of temperatures of 60oC,70oC, 80oC and 3 variations of the capacity of 5kg, 10kg, and 15kg. The data that was taken was include the changes in temperature and moisture content during the drying process. The Drying process of palm sugar was analyzed simultaneously by using the Runge Kutta method to obtain a model. The results showed that the variations in temperature and capacity was significantly impact the value of h (convection heat transfer coefficient) and k ( the constant of drying rate). The greater of drying temperature, then the h and the k values was increase too. The greater capacity was made the value of h and k got smaller. The h values was obtained ranged in 12,89 H/m3oCs � 903,99H/m3oCs. And the k values was obtained ranged in 0.3169 J/m3oCs � 1.3636J/m3oCs

    Rancangan Bangun Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Gejala Kecanduan Game Online pada Remaja Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    Game online merupakan jenis permainan yang memberikan kesenangan tersendiri bagi pemainnya, karena dapat dimainkan tidak hanya sendiri (singleplayer), namun dapat juga dimainkan dengan dua orang atau lebih (multiplayer) dari berbagai tempat, dan negara yang berbeda. Karena hal itu, banyak yang memainkan game online secara terus menerus sampai lupa waktu, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kecanduan. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa gejala kecanduan game online sebagai sarana mengatasi masalah kecanduan game online tersebut. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk dengan hanya menganalisis data tersebut menggunakan metode Certainty Factor, yaitu metode untuk mengelola ketidakpastian dalam sisem berbasis aturan. Metode ini mampu menangani ketidakpastian jawaban yang ditemukan yaitu ketika pakar tidak dapat mendefinisikan hubungan antara gejala dengan penyebab secara pasti, dan pasien tidak dapat merasakan gejala dengan pasti. Dari hasil metode tersebut terdapat 3 jenis kecanduan online game yang didapat dari seorang pakar yaitu kecanduan ringan (kriteria antara 0.1 s/d 0.39), kecanduan sedang (kriteria antara 0.4 s/d 0.79), dan kecanduan berat (kriteria antara 0.8 s/d 1